
Belinfante Quartet

Photo : Cosimo Beduini

Belinfante Quartet

Olivia Scheepers (violin)
Fiona Robertson (violin)
Henrietta Hill (viola)
Pau Marquès i Oleo (cello)

The Belinfante Quartet was formed in 2016 and since then has performed extensively in the Netherlands and throughout Europe. With the aim of sharing a passion for music with the wider public, they explore works from the core of the string quartet repertoire combined with lesser-known masterpieces. Kindly supported by Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, they are currently following lessons with Marc Danel at the Netherlands String Quartet Academy in Amsterdam and they are also studying at the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover with Oliver Wille. They have recently been selected to take part in MUSA (European young MUsicians soft Skills Alliance), ideated by Le Dimore del Quartetto, a European professional training project for young string quartets supported by Erasmus+. In 2021 the quartet has been selected to take part in Le Dimore del Quartetto network. The Belinfante Quartet also takes part in the SQBA Residency at the String Quartet Biennale Amsterdam 2022.

They have performed at festivals throughout Europe including the String Quartet Biënnale Amsterdam, International Chamber Music Festival Utrecht, the Grachtenfestival and the Tiberius Festival in Romania. Recent engagements include performances in TivoliVredenburg and in MuziekHaven Zaandam, where they played a live recital on NPO Radio 4 ‘Avondconcert’. They have also performed live on the Dutch television show ‘Podium Witteman’.

Olivia plays a Spirito Sorzana violin (Cuneo, 1736), on loan from the Dutch Musical Instruments Foundation (NMF).

Belinfante Quartet will be performing on the 2nd February at 17:00 in BIMhuis. Buy your tickets here!