
Speed Date

by Aleksandra Vrebalov Karin Rehnqvist Signum Quartett ADAM Quartet &

Sat 6 May / 19:30 / Atriumzaal Muziekgebouw / €

50FTF    Part II   
Photo: Sasha Jancic

Signum Quartett

Florian Donderer (violin)
Annette Walther (violin)
Xandi van Dijk (viola)
Thomas Schmitz (cello)

ADAM Quartet

Dutch String Quartet Academy (NSKA)

Margot Kolodziej (violin)
Hannelore De Vuyst (violin)
Liselot Blomaard (viola)
Renée Timmer (cello)





Student composers from the Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht conservatories will engage in a series of speed dates with the Kronos’ 50 for the Future composers who are present at the weekend, and will have the opportunity to show their own compositions for the first time.