Selected by
with Animato Kwartet
Animato Kwartet
Inga Våga Gaustad (violin)
Tim Brackman (violin)
Elisa Karen Tavenier (viola)
Pieter De Koe (cello)
Tristan Keuris
String Quartet no. 1
Edward Grieg
String Quartet no. 1
It’s no coincidence that the Animato Quartet has included Grieg’s First String Quartet in their program, as Primarius Inga Våga Gaustad is playing music from her fellow countryman. Grieg was inspired by the Norwegian nature and the view of spectacular fjords to create breathing space in the sound and achieve optimal resonance for the strings. In addition to Grieg, the Animato Quartet also represents the Dutch component with Tristan Keuris’ First String Quartet.
The Selected by series offers great works – alongside each other, in connection or contrast with each other. In an hour, you will hear the string quartet in its entirety: all times, styles, sounds, and colors.